You run your business. 
We'll handle the rest.

Customs Clearance

Our customs handling services include

  • intercepting information from customs offices through electronic declarations to prevent and minimize potential delays in the logistics cycle
  • provide complete customs documentation services – import (import declarations), export (export declarations), transit (transit declarations), certificates of origin and fiscal representation
  • t​ax and legal expertise related to international trade transactions
  • authorized Economic Operator (AEO) certified


We help you keep track of your stuff and make sure you have the right quantities on-hand.

  • receiving, handling, storing, freezing, refrigerating, bottling, packing produce, goods or merchandise
  • preparing goods or merchandise for sale
  • sorting, loading, dispatching or delivering produce goods or merchandise
  • transactions processed using Warehouse Management System (WMS) allowing for accurate status and tracking of product inventory


We are flexible and able to offer bespoke, creative solutions to keep your goods moving across Europe for delivery on time.

  • in-house transport modes for the shipment of goods
  • distribution and containerised cargo handling to and from overseas destinations
  • courier services throughout Europe
  • provide ADR-classified vehicles and drivers


Legal & Taxation

Laws and tax are complex, especially in a foreign country. We're here to guide you through the jungle.

  • equity structure design
  • subsidiary corporation establishment
  • HR consultancy services
  • regular accounting and tax compliance
  • transfer pricing documentation
  • IPO preparation consultancy
  • financial, legal and tax due diligence
  • law consultancy, contract draw-up and check, disputes settlement etc...
  • ERP system set up consultancy
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